If there was a bucket of things I don’t appreciate, the creepy Italian guy who’s in the kickboxing class after my Tabata interval class at Equinox would be in that bucket. Every Monday, I rush out of work to get to my Tabata class at the Equinox on Michigan by 5:30. Tabata is a method of interval training where you complete 8 20 second sets of 6 exercises with 10 seconds in between sets and 1 minute in between each interval. To put it in perspective for anyone who ever was given workouts by Peter Teagen, it looks something like this: 6(20’x8, 10’ rest). No CCP allowed in this class! These ‘excersises’ range anywhere from jumping lunges on a bosu ball as fast as you can to burpees to essentially a one footed standing long jump onto a bosu (no idea how no one broke their ankles but I got some mad props from my instructor about how far I could standing LJ….duh. She said I was smiling and everyone else was pissed because it was so awkward. Score.). We go through lots of ‘Day at the Beach” type plyo drills (to all you tracksters out there who know how glorious plyo’s in the sand pit are) so I feel great after a half hour class of Tabata, followed by another rhalf hour or “above the belt” work (arms, abs). By the end of the hour, your whole body is just drained. Don’t get me wrong, the 300 cals you burn in the first half hour alone is completely work it and I love the class…up until about 6:29. The kickboxing class that follows my Tabata/Above the Belt class is full of a bunch of those annoying people who HAVE to be at the front of the class right next to the teacher. My Tabata class is tough so not many gym-goers attend, so naturally I’m at the front of the room closer to the middle. At the end of every class, I have at least a bosu ball, 2 sets of weights, an elastic cord, and a yoga mat to put away, it’s kind of a hectic 2 minutes after you just worked your bum off (hopefully literally at some point). In the middle of the ruckus, this creepster, Italian guy runs to the front of the room, right in the middle of my station and just stands there waiting for his kickboxing class to start. How do I know he’s Italian? Well he wears a Ferrari shirt every Monday and looks like Giles from DWTS. One of these days, I’m going to muster up the energy and stay for kickboxing just to be like, “dude get out of my spot.” That’ll show him. If the death stares and eye rolls I’ve already thrown his way when he does this EVERY MONDAY haven’t worked yet, maybe this will. Get in the bucket Ferrari!
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
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