
P90X = More Quotable Quips Than Road Trip

So Dave and his buddies all started P90X on Monday and I've decided to tag along for part of the ride. I jumped in (pun intended) for last night's plyo's workout which P90X creator Tony Horton dubbed, "“The mother of all P90X workouts." Luckily, explosive, fast-twitch muscle drills were kind of my thing in college.  Unluckily, this also lead to man-calves, 2 stress fractures, and 3 surgeries. Anyway, we start the 60 minute plyo workout and within the first 5 minutes I'm completely distracted by this guy's 90's workout instructor quips. Of note:

  • “Hamburger bad, fries bad, coca-cola bad….There I said it. Drink your water people“.
  • “Don’t go grab a pastrami sandwich”
  • “If you’re doing Plyometrics you can jump higher and run faster and your heart and lungs are going to kick the panties off of anybody else that tries to get out there without it.”
  • “Get sexy with it.”
Needless to say, I'm pretty psyched for tonight's installment, and not necessarily for the arms/shoulders workout, but mostly to have more material for a new post.


  1. I LOVE p90X! Chad and I are going to get started on another round! I like Pam, (they call her BLAM!) I hate that one blonde girl... you know (or you will soon know) who I'm talking about. Chad and I are conviced she is sleeping with Tony! Hmm.. shoulders and arms, I think that means you get to make some Split Pea Soup...

  2. Did you do the Yoga yet?...he quotes Forrest Gump!
