Last weekend, work was kind enough to fly us all out to Sun Valley, ID for a long weekend of skiing/working. After meetings until noon each day, we had the remaining hours until dinner to play around the mountain, take advantage of the spa, judge what all the little snow bunnies were sporting, or shop around this darling little mountain town. Blah blah, it was beautiful (as you can see from the pic above where we’re all trying as hard as possible to not tumble backwards down the mountain) and fun but instead of going into detail about the trip, here are a few key takeaways from Salt Sun Valley 2010:
I’m really not fun on work ski trips: after drinking a bit too much and passing out by 10 the first night, I used the rest of the trip as a means to improve my skiing skills and hence abandoned my standard weekend drinking practices for early nights to sleep. Plus blacking out in front of work people = awkward.
The blue runs out West are the black diamonds of Cascade (the 'mountain' 30 mins from my hometown): Ok, so mayyyyybee I hadn’t skied in 7 years, but this was my first time out West skiing and was ill prepared for how steep those long mountain runs are. Over a week later, I still have the bruises to prove it. Or Dave’s just beating me (jk). Either way, it’s not cute.
My co-workers like to make human pyramids while playing flip cup: I’m kind of bummed I missed out on the flip cup night because I was tending to my ski wounds from the afternoon prior, but it probably wouldn’t have been as fun if I was there anyway (I’m so much better at flip cup than everyone as both Laura and Erica can attest to).
Most importantly, I need a cuter ski jacket.