If there was a bucket of things that Heidi and I don’t like, Floppy Knit Hats would be in that bucket. My darling former teammate, Heidi "H" Hanson recently brought the floppy knit hat epidemic to my attention and I didn’t realize how bothersome it actually was until I took a stroll about downtown during lunch. Crocheted turquoise, muted yellow and purple hats are running rampant around this city! What’s the point of a crocheted hat really in the first place? Is it even warm with all those holes? Ok, so I'll admit I have a cashmere beret-ish type thing I wear from time to time on days when the wind chill is below zero to cover my ears. BUT I also have the hood up on my giant puffy coat so you can’t see the grey cashmere monstrosity that’s atop my head. These girls are really trying to make a statement with these hats seeing as they do not serve any functional benefit. What they don’t realize is the statement they’re making is much more fugly than fashion-forward. To quote Heidi, “And... girls [who] wear those knit hats on the back of their head. They're like berets, but knit or crocheted, and floppy. At first, I only saw [fugly] girls doing it. Now, its gone viral.” Mind you she lives in San Francisco, a place where it doesn’t really get cold enough to cover your ears. Next time you want to mimic an Olsen Twin, stick with the latex leggings and oversized sunglasses (a la Holly and I for work Halloween circa 2008).
I completely understand and agree with your argument that clothing should have some sort of functional benefit. I'm glad we're on the same page.