Cameron (Anna): I'm dying.
Ferris (the World): You're not dying, you just can't think of anything good to do.

Too often lately, I’ve been experiencing a real life version of the piece of dialog above. Each week it seems I (Cameron) have some new mystery symptom/illness/syndrome. I’ve been told that I spend an inordinate amount of time at urgent care when I was a kid, not because I necessarily had a serious injury or illness, but just that I always had something obscure going on. I guess I only had a broken hand once and a few stitches here and there, but didn’t everyone break a bone or come up with some strange illness when they were little? The difference with me, however, is that I haven’t seem to grow out of this awkward “wtf is wrong with you” phase as of yet. Reflecting back on it all, I’ve decided that all my recent medical mysteries and mishaps can all stem from one thing: me trying to be my sister. It surely didn’t seem like it at the time, but I always wanted to be like Katie growing up. She was in dance, I was in dance. She started gymnastics, I wanted to start gymnastics. Katie didn’t want to wear jeans for an entire summer, see ya later denim. Then in high school, she decided to run track. Clearly I followed suit when I was in 7th grade and by the time I was a sophomore in high school, I quit all other sports to train at Acceleration year round. Now ever since I was little I was pretty jacked and Accel only made this situation worse. Little did we know that I was prone to a genetic-fueled disorder called Chronic Compartment Syndrome, made worse by excessive training, which would ultimately lead me down a path to 3 different calf surgeries, countless hours at physical therapy, and 3 completely fugly scars on each leg. Me having mono in college can also be traced back to Katie (Katie – Laura – etc – etc) as well as my stomach problems (Katie – going to UW – me going to UW – stressing out about school – drinking – acid reflux disease) and most recently my eye issue (Katie moved to Chicago – I moved to Chicago – windy city – job at Salt – Sun Valley (desert) – living downtown by Katie – walking to work). Did you know your eyes can be dry to the point to where they have to put plugs in your eye ducts to keep the tears on the eye surface? Yea me either, until yesterday. But what else is there left to go wrong? Maybe I haven’t invented it yet?
Heart you sis!