I purposefully have not been watching the current season of the Bachelor on a regular basis. The entire franchise is just so GD frustrating. That being said, I have caught bits and pieces of the last three episodes and let me tell you, that Vienna chick is alllll sorts of crazy. She represents all that women hate about other women. Self-serving, obnoxious, would do anything to obtain a dude’s approval, pretty enough to feel a little threatened but not enough to where you’re like, “Ok fine she’s cuter than me and I accept that.” Is she really being herself Jake? You’ve known her for 3 weeks; do you really know what “being herself” actually consists of?

omg anna. i was just about to write a post about how much i HATE this show but was watching out of lack of anything else to watch. but since am forced to watch, i will get wrapped into it and form an opinion :). that being said, I have mad respect for Ali.