I’m sharing a similar sentiment with the crazy lady who jumps on Happy Gilmore’s car when they’re touring the retirement community. The blistering winter climate is abusing me behind closed doors Ben Stiller-style and I just want to get out of here! Thankfully, next week I’m spending 4 days in Santa Clara (Silicon Valley). Unthankfully it’s for Geekfest ’10, or the SMX West SEO Conference. Don’t get me wrong, like any online marketer I do geek out a bit over new ways to improve my client’s keyword ranking in search engines (SEO = Search Engine Optimization to all my non-marketing friends), but the fact that I’m going to be immersed in SEO culture for 4 full days is a little too much to handle. I was perusing the information the conference sent me about seminars, keynote speakers, and networking events when I came upon the following party which looks like it was created by some sort of cyber stalker. Bing is one of the event sponsors and is hosting an “after hours” networking event one night from 9-11pm entitled, “SMX After Dark.” A) all my spare time on this trip will be spent catching up on existing client work and B) SEO geeks + after dark = a scene from this horror movie Rachel made me watch when I was little called “Killer Nerd.”
take it from me... avoid all "after hour" events with seo nerds... it gets ugly
ReplyDeletehaha yea I'm steering very clear of that "party" or whatever seo nerds call their get togethers. Chatrooms maybe?