"Can you explain to me the purpose of "heeled" slides as well as kitten heels?? Or at least point me in the direction of good looking ones? I kinda want to vomit when I see them. In no way shape or form does a kitten heel make a woman's calf look good. Or her butt, which let's face it, is half the point of wearing heels. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings and you own a pair, but please say it's only one pair. Also, I didn't want to hurt other kitten heeled slide wearers out there. That is all." -Emilson
I too am sorry if you're a kitten heel wearer, but go glam or go home.
I couldn't agree more! When it comes to heels, it's go big or go home. You may as well cut the little "kitten" off and wear them as flats. :)