- Tara will find the white deer in the woods on his death bed during a 6am run that no one wants to go on. She then will revive him, in dramatic fashion, and Disney will make a movie about their new found friendship (after the 2nd 830 am walk/run that everyone will finally join her on).
- Drew will somehow cross the line while playing the questions game with Mr. Clack (something about plastic parts); Dave will interrupt the awkward silence that will ensue with a comment about an article he read on foxnews.com, but will have a difficult time providing details about the article because he's hopped up on too much sugar from t-bone's cookies and cherry coke.
- Danny and JA will perform cheer stunts in the lake. Danny will 'accidentally' drop her head first into the shallow water, then will giggle and splash water on her bleeding head (3rd grade's fun!)
- JT will make out with a lonely mountain man at the Pea Patch; he'll have her at "Where'd you get that there plaid?"
- That same faithful night at the Pea Patch, Katie will dance with a pool cue to a Miley Cyrus song I play on the jukebox and break her ankle when she forgets the pole isn't attached the the ceiling. We all spend the wee hours of Friday night at the local hospital. Bed pans are fun.
I Rebuke This Comeback in the Name of Rattails
4 weeks ago
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