
Jessica Simpson at Salt?

My boss Bob lovessss to play long, drawn out, April Fools-ish jokes on every new employee at Salt. It was only a matter of time before we collectively got him back. That day was April 1st, 2010. We all had to traverse over a plethora of lighting equipment, extension cords, and people we didn't know to climb the stairs up to the Salt offices in the morning. Apparently all the hubub was just for a Raymond James commercial and we wouldn’t be experiencing any fabulous celeb sightings. It didn't occur to us until about half way through the day that this could ultimately set the stage for the greatest prank Salt has ever seen. Our Art Director Tony decided we should take a picture of me outside in the middle of all the commercial lights and Photoshop a celeb’s head on my body. We ended up going with Jessica Simpson (B list) to make the whole scam more believable. Below is the end result which we then sent in an email to Bob with the following note:
“Hey Bob!
Salt logo in US Weekly?
When we all arrived at work this morning, we were greeted by giant lights and cords, etc. We were all a little confused because they’re filming in the Raymond James office on the 1st floor so guessed we assumed was something to do with RJ. Since it was 80 degrees and sunny today, a bunch of us went to Quartino’s for lunch and when we came back, there were some random people standing in front of the building taking pictures. It turns out Jessica Simpson is filming some sort of romantic comedy in Chicago and used the office on the first floor (soooo random) for a scene. See the pics attached (looks like Ms. Simpson’s packed on some poundage :-)). j/k She looked great!
Just though you’d all like to know and maybe the Salt logo will be in a tabloid next week?? -ae”
Genius. He apparently forwarded the email to a bunch of family and friends and was in complete shock when I had to break the news to him the following day. Score. Going down in the history books as the #2 April Fools Day prank of all time for me, 2nd of course to the 1998 prank involving my middle school guy friends, a Playboy mag, and our school VP.  But that's a story for another day...

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